Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Is… ?

GOOD? Beautiful. Interesting. Unique. Makes you think. Trying hard. Inspiring. Love. Effort. Appreciation.

ART? Anything. Painting. Music. Sculpture. Inspirational. Imagery. History. Documentation. Objective. Experimental. Evolving. Feeling.

PHOTO? Composition. Art. Imagery. Memory/momento. History. Personal. Objective. Variable. Experimental.

ME & PHOTO? New. Exploration. Education. Art. Difficult. Trying. Impatient.

CONSEQUENTIAL ASSIGNMENT: Look for high contrast, especially created through interesting natural light.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm so happy we finally got real snow this winter.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Yes, the walls are hot pink in real life. I'm totally failing this "post every day" thing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


This was me attempting to do the "daily photo" assignment thing. However, my digital camera is clearly terrible. I edited this picture, and I'm still completely dissatisfied.

So, I took this second picture:

I edited them both quite a bit on the computer.